Ravenous Creative is the cultural and creative home of Ricardo Rodríguez. Weaving an unapologetically revolutionary, abolitionist, and generalist worldview, RVNSC cultivates multi-disciplinary creations for networks of cause-driven organizations.

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Mi Para Ti

Project Hero Image


Visual Design • UI • Lettering • Visual Development • Cultural Strategy

Mi Para Ti is a digital platform and campaign created in collaboration with Radcat Design during the 2020 pandemic to distribute stimulus funds across impacted Latinx community in North Carolina. The goal was to take surplus funds and use platforms such as Venmo and CashApp in tandem with community organizing to financially support impacted Latinx community, and bring attention to the structural and political causes of the pandemic and policy solutions.


How do we find a way to redistribute stimulus checks, empower people's needs, and gather strong data to better organize around people's political goal?

The largest research problem to strategize around was the struggle between citizenship and technological access in banking. In 2016, there is an estimated estimated 325,000 undocumented immigrants living in North Carolina. Undocumented immigrants have less technological access and literacy, language barriers among tools, and are statistically more underbanked than those with citizenship. While financial institutions are improving supporting undocumented immigrants, the poverty rate still remains high. Additionally, we centered the direct needs domestic households have, with Latinx mothers and parents being core to the design.

These many intersections organized was inspired by Design Justice, where we strategized around "ways that design reproduces and/or challenges the matrix of domination (white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy, capitalism, ableism, settler colonialism, and otherforms of structural inequality)"

Visually, how do we solve this? The solution starts with combining script and geometry, and gently simplifying processes into obtainable steps.

Following the work of Design by Nature by Maggie Macnab, I pulled from cultural symbols that emphasized circular motifs as communal, and triangular elements for direction and development.


Identity: Exchange and Xicalcoliuhqui

The visual palette and research was centered around tech design and exchange. During the beginning of COVID, information was high alert, and info was being sent everywhere – the visual palette needed to find a way to move with the health information being shared, not against it.

Pulling from Mi Para Ti was firstly soft hues for color, and then utilizing rounded typography to continue a softened look. The goal was to visually balance the

Prototyping: Movement and Direction

Mi Para Ti used interactive animation that was tested in the community.

User Stories


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Ravenous Creative is the cultural and creative home of Ricardo Rodríguez. Weaving an unapologetically revolutionary, abolitionist, and generalist worldview, RVNSC cultivates multi-disciplinary creations for networks of cause-driven organizations.

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Ravenous Creative is the cultural and creative home of Ricardo Rodríguez. Weaving an unapologetically revolutionary, abolitionist, and generalist worldview, RVNSC cultivates multi-disciplinary creations for networks of cause-driven organizations.

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